Monday, June 9, 2014

Advanced Photography Final Exam Period 3

1. It was Robert Capa that was the photographer who stormed Normandy with the soldiers during WWII. Eleven photos survived which is called The Magnificent Eleven.

2. The photo agency that Capa created was Magnum Photos. The other founders was Henri Cartier-Bresson, William Vandivert, David Seymour, and George Rodger.

3. Henri Cartier-Bresson said he needed to align the head, heart, and eye for the photograph to be successful.

4.My Website, I choose this for my first photo in my portfolio because it is religious and I am religious.

5. My Unity Project           

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Semester Final Exam-Period 3

2) My website:

4) My favorite blog post: Photos Inspired By August Sanders
Three reasons why I chose this post:
1) I like this blog post because this photographer took great photos of people from his country to show how they felt during the world wars.

2) I like this blog post because his photos are black and white which makes his photos original.

3) I like this blog post because you get to learn the biography of a great photographer.

I like this post overall because of how the photos were black and white and shows how the people felt during the world wars.

5) My favorite photo:

The three reasons why I like this photo:

1) I like this photo because it is using black and white which makes it original.

2) I like this photo because it is showing the subject of the picture more than the background.

3) I like this photo because the subject in the photo is just being himself.

6) My best photos this semester: Photos Inspired By August Sanders
The three reasons why I chose these pictures:

1) These are my best photos because I cropped the photos to show more of the subject.

2) These are my best photos because I skin smooth the subject to make the subject look good.

3) These are my best photo because of how I took them and edit them.

7) Advantages of working in groups:

  • We could talk to each other in order to help each other.
  • We could work together to finish work.
  • We could help the person who needs help with their work.

Disadvantages of working in groups:

  • Some of the group members will not do nothing.
  • Some group members will not help each other finish work.
  • Some group members will finish work but not help the group members who needs to finish their work.

8) Picture perfect.

9) Henri Cartier-Bresson. The three things he said are aligned is: 1) Fixing the photo. 2) Learning the life of the photo. 3) The heart of the photo.

10) Farley Photo:


Black and White

Color Corrected
12) The project that would interest me in the second semester is taking pictures of administrators so that it is different.

13) I think Mr. Farley has a Hecka Free Zone because it is not a word and it does not make sense.

Friday, January 17, 2014

First Semester Final Project

I choose this photo because this is how students are like in school when they like to learn like me and like how he is happy when he is reading because he shows that he is interested in the book.

I choose this photo because it shows how he is focused in the book and is learning what he is reading.

I choose this photo because I like how he looks like he just learned something from the book.

I chose this photo because I like how he turned the page of the book and wants to learn more.

I choose this photo because he stopped reading and felt good from what he read from the book.

I choose this photo because he wanted to read some more instead of stopping.

I choose black and white filter because it makes the photos look good and original.

Visual Friday

I like the Obama magazine cover because it shows that Obama needs to change the country more.