Thursday, January 23, 2014

Semester Final Exam-Period 3

2) My website:

4) My favorite blog post: Photos Inspired By August Sanders
Three reasons why I chose this post:
1) I like this blog post because this photographer took great photos of people from his country to show how they felt during the world wars.

2) I like this blog post because his photos are black and white which makes his photos original.

3) I like this blog post because you get to learn the biography of a great photographer.

I like this post overall because of how the photos were black and white and shows how the people felt during the world wars.

5) My favorite photo:

The three reasons why I like this photo:

1) I like this photo because it is using black and white which makes it original.

2) I like this photo because it is showing the subject of the picture more than the background.

3) I like this photo because the subject in the photo is just being himself.

6) My best photos this semester: Photos Inspired By August Sanders
The three reasons why I chose these pictures:

1) These are my best photos because I cropped the photos to show more of the subject.

2) These are my best photos because I skin smooth the subject to make the subject look good.

3) These are my best photo because of how I took them and edit them.

7) Advantages of working in groups:

  • We could talk to each other in order to help each other.
  • We could work together to finish work.
  • We could help the person who needs help with their work.

Disadvantages of working in groups:

  • Some of the group members will not do nothing.
  • Some group members will not help each other finish work.
  • Some group members will finish work but not help the group members who needs to finish their work.

8) Picture perfect.

9) Henri Cartier-Bresson. The three things he said are aligned is: 1) Fixing the photo. 2) Learning the life of the photo. 3) The heart of the photo.

10) Farley Photo:


Black and White

Color Corrected
12) The project that would interest me in the second semester is taking pictures of administrators so that it is different.

13) I think Mr. Farley has a Hecka Free Zone because it is not a word and it does not make sense.

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